Jumat, 23 Januari 2009


Setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya mengunjungi blog seseorang (even i don't know, who she is) tapi saya merasa dibawa ke suatu tempat dimana saya merasa sangat nyaman dan merasakan sesuatu (heart feeling) yang begitu jauh entah dimana, namun saya betah didalamnya...

I finally found the answer. I could be like that because, I was hearing a song. Yes, a song what I like so much, used to be (it's about 15 years ago)

So, after it was happened.. I told to my wife. And I was so surprised, that she liked the song too!
You know, what was happened then? -> I had gone for a romantic dancing with her...

So nice.. really. We were enjoyed the song together.

Hmm.... (alhamdulillah, i'm very happy)

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